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django администраторски филтри и mongodb:Уловена DatabaseError по време на изобразяване:Тази заявка не се поддържа от базата данни

Аз съм нов в Python/Django, но успях да поправя това, като копирах AllValuesFieldListFilter от (уверете се, че сте променили клона си към вашата версия на Django) и след това премахнах извикването на distinct . Трябваше да импортирам куп неща. След това работи. Приложих и промените от отговора на @AlexeyMK, за да го направя различен отново.

за 1.4:

from django.contrib.admin.filters import FieldListFilter
from django.contrib.admin.util import (get_model_from_relation, reverse_field_path, get_limit_choices_to_from_path, prepare_lookup_value)
from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _
from django.utils.encoding import smart_unicode, force_unicode

class MongoFieldListFilter(FieldListFilter):
def __init__(self, field, request, params, model, model_admin, field_path):
    self.lookup_kwarg = field_path
    self.lookup_kwarg_isnull = '%s__isnull' % field_path
    self.lookup_val = request.GET.get(self.lookup_kwarg, None)
    self.lookup_val_isnull = request.GET.get(self.lookup_kwarg_isnull,
    parent_model, reverse_path = reverse_field_path(model, field_path)
    queryset = parent_model._default_manager.all()
    # optional feature: limit choices base on existing relationships
    # queryset = queryset.complex_filter(
    #    {'%s__isnull' % reverse_path: False})
    limit_choices_to = get_limit_choices_to_from_path(model, field_path)
    queryset = queryset.filter(limit_choices_to)

    def uniquify(coll):  # enforce uniqueness, preserve order
      seen = set()
      return [x for x in coll if x not in seen and not seen.add(x)]

    self.lookup_choices = uniquify(queryset.order_by(, flat=True))

    super(MongoFieldListFilter, self).__init__(field, request, params, model, model_admin, field_path)

def expected_parameters(self):
    return [self.lookup_kwarg, self.lookup_kwarg_isnull]

def choices(self, cl):
    from django.contrib.admin.views.main import EMPTY_CHANGELIST_VALUE
    yield {
        'selected': (self.lookup_val is None
            and self.lookup_val_isnull is None),
        'query_string': cl.get_query_string({},
            [self.lookup_kwarg, self.lookup_kwarg_isnull]),
        'display': _('All'),
    include_none = False
    for val in self.lookup_choices:
        if val is None:
            include_none = True
        val = smart_unicode(val)
        yield {
            'selected': self.lookup_val == val,
            'query_string': cl.get_query_string({
                self.lookup_kwarg: val,
            }, [self.lookup_kwarg_isnull]),
            'display': val,
    if include_none:
        yield {
            'selected': bool(self.lookup_val_isnull),
            'query_string': cl.get_query_string({
                self.lookup_kwarg_isnull: 'True',
            }, [self.lookup_kwarg]),
            'display': EMPTY_CHANGELIST_VALUE,

След това го посочете, за да използвате този филтър така:

list_filter = (('myfield', MongoFieldListFilter),)

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  3. MongoDB
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