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Как да проверя привилегиите (DDL,DML,DCL) на обекти, присвоени на схема, роли в базата данни на oracle?

Накратко за префикса на изгледа на речника на данни:

ALL_    -Describes PUBLIC Object grants.
USER_   -Describes current user Object grants.
DBA_    -Describes all object grants in the database.

Полезна информация за изгледи:

ROLE_ROLE_PRIVS     -describes the roles granted to other roles. 
ROLE_SYS_PRIVS      -describes system privileges granted to roles.
ROLE_TAB_PRIVS      -describes table privileges granted to roles. 
DBA_ROLE_PRIVS      -describes the roles granted to all users and roles in the database.
DBA_SYS_PRIVS       -describes system privileges granted to users and roles.
DBA_TAB_PRIVS       -describes all object grants in the database.
DBA_COL_PRIVS       -describes all column object grants in the database.

За да научите повече за PRIVS изгледи посетете тук .


-Относно състоянието на потребител/схема

select username,account_status, created from dba_users where username in ('SCOTT');

-Проверете присвоените роли на роля и схема

select * from DBA_ROLE_PRIVS where grantee in ('SCOTT','RESOURCE');

-Проверете привилегиите на ролята

select * from ROLE_ROLE_PRIVS where role in ('RESOURCE','CONNECT');    
select * from ROLE_TAB_PRIVS  where role in ('RESOURCE','CONNECT');
select * from ROLE_SYS_PRIVS  where role in ('RESOURCE','CONNECT');

Pseudo Code:
select 'grant '||privilege||' to ROLE_SLAVE;' from ROLE_SYS_PRIVS where role in ('RESOURCE','CONNECT');
select 'grant '||privilege||' to ROLE_SLAVE;' from ROLE_TAB_PRIVS where role in ('RESOURCE','CONNECT');

-Проверете привилегиите на предоставените обекти за схема

select * from DBA_SYS_PRIVS where grantee in ('SCOTT');
select * from DBA_TAB_PRIVS where grantee in ('SCOTT');
select * from DBA_COL_PRIVS where grantee in ('SCOTT');

Pseudo Code: 
select 'grant '||privilege||' to SCOTT_SLAVE;' from DBA_SYS_PRIVS where grantee in ('SCOTT');
select 'grant '||privilege||' on '||owner||'.'||table_name||' to SCOTT_SLAVE;' from DBA_TAB_PRIVS where grantee in ('SCOTT');
select 'grant '||privilege||' ('||column_name||') '||' on '||owner||'.'||table_name||' to SCOTT_SLAVE;' from DBA_COL_PRIVS where grantee in ('SCOTT');

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