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Как да покажа данни от база данни с динамичен размах на редове

Преди всичко съжалявам за лошия ми английски.

Във вашата заявка, вместо да правите подреждане по id_location , направете подреждане по име на компонент . По този начин можете лесно да добавите динамичен обхват на редовете. Не съм променил вашата програма за свързване, но промених втората ви част. Моля те, провери. Знам, че има 3 до 4 цикъла. Но ако някой намери по-добър алго, моля, кажете ми.

    $sql1 = "SELECT * FROM Lokasi ORDER BY id_location";
    $stmt1 = $dbc->prepare($sql1);

    while ($row1 = $stmt1->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
    echo "Location $location : ".$row1['location'];


    $query = "SELECT * 
                FROM sub_component,
               WHERE sub_component.id_component=component.id_component 
                 AND component.id_location='$data[id_location]' 
            ORDER BY component.component_name";
    $stmt = $dbc->prepare($query);

    # Declare two emty array
    $component     = array(); # Will store the components
    $sub_component = array(); # Will store the sub components

    $loop = 0;

    # Now if any data is fetched from previsous query, then fill
    # the above declared arrays.
    while ($row = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {

        $component[$loop]     = $row['component'];
        $sub_component[$loop] = $row['sub_component'];

        $loop = $loop + 1;

    # If no data fetched then I m telling 
    # No data fetched.
    if (!sizeof($component)) {
        echo 'Empty Data';
    } else {

        print "<table width='469px' border='1'>
                    <tr bgcolor='#00FFFF'>
                        <th width='109' class='rounded' scope='col'>Component</th>
                        <th width='109' class='rounded' scope='col'>Sub Component</th>

        # Now our main logic starts to print dynamic rowspan

        # Go for a loop.
        # Here the imporant is to use for loop

        $tmp_arr = array();

        $main_assoc_arr = array();

        for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($sub_component); $i++) {

            array_push($tmp_arr, $sub_component[$i]);

            # If we have reached the last element
            # and in $main_assoc_arr the comonent is not exist
            # Then we will store them as following.
            if (   $i = (sizeof($sub_component)-1)
                && !array_key_exists($component[$i], $main_assoc_arr)) {

                $main_assoc_arr[ $component[$i] ] = array();
                $main_assoc_arr[ $component[$i] ] = $tmp_arr;

                # Restore the array.
                $tmp_arr = array();

                # Also get out of the loop

            # If the present component is not equal to the 
            # Next component then 
            if ($component[$i] != $component[$i+1]) {

                $main_assoc_arr[ $component[$i] ] = array();
                $main_assoc_arr[ $component[$i] ] = $tmp_arr;

                # Restore the array.
                $tmp_arr = array();

        # Now we are going to print the table with rowspan.
        foreach ($main_assoc_arr as $comp=>$sub_comp) {

            $printed = 0;
            $rowspan = sizeof($sub_comp);

            foreach ($sub_comp as $elm) {

                print "<tr>";

                # Manke sure that the column will not print
                # in each loop as it conatins dynamic array.
                if (!$printed) {

                    print "<td rowspan='$rowspan'>$comp</td>";

                print "<td>$elm</td>"
                print "</tr>";

        print "</table>";


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