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върнете набор от резултати от функцията

Ако имате нужда от набор от резултати и референтен курсор няма да работи с тип данни, наречен sys.anydataset. т.е. това, което изглежда искате, е конвейерна функция, но разбира се с обикновена конвейерна функция трябва да дефинирате изходната структура, която във вашия случай не е статична.

Въведете произволен набор от данни. този тип ни позволява да генерираме динамично типове в движение (само при твърд анализ), за да ни позволи да дефинираме конвейерни функции с различни изходи.

За съжаление кодирането е малко сложно.

За начало дефинираме тип, който ще извърши обработката на предадения в SQL израз.

SQL> create type dyn_pipeline as object
  2  (
  3    atype anytype,
  5    static function ODCITableDescribe(rtype out anytype,
  6                                      stmt  in  varchar2)
  7      return number,
  9    static function ODCITablePrepare(sctx      out dyn_pipeline,
 10                                     tf_info   in  sys.ODCITabfuncinfo,
 11                                     stmt      in  varchar2)
 12      return number,
 14    static function ODCITableStart(sctx  in out dyn_pipeline,
 15                                   stmt  in     varchar2)
 16      return number,
 18    member function ODCITablefetch(self  in out dyn_pipeline,
 19                                   nrows in     number,
 20                                  rws   out    anydataset)
 21      return number,
 23    member function ODCITableClose(self in dyn_pipeline)
 24      return number
 25  );
 26  /

След това създаваме спецификация на пакета, която ще бъде основно вашият querydb извикване на функция:

SQL> create package pkg_pipeline
  2  as
  4    /*
  5     * Global Types
  6     */
  7    -- Describe array.
  8    type dynamic_sql_rec is record(cursor    integer,
  9                                   column_cnt  pls_integer,
 10                                   description dbms_sql.desc_tab2,
 11                                   execute     integer);
 12    -- Meta data for the ANYTYPE.
 13    type anytype_metadata_rec is record(precision pls_integer,
 14                                        scale     pls_integer,
 15                                        length    pls_integer,
 16                                        csid      pls_integer,
 17                                        csfrm     pls_integer,
 18                                        schema    varchar2(30),
 19                                        type      anytype,
 20                                        name      varchar2(30),
 21                                        version   varchar2(30),
 22                                        attr_cnt  pls_integer,
 23                                        attr_type anytype,
 24                                        attr_name varchar2(128),
 25                                        typecode  pls_integer);
 28    /*
 29     * Global Variables
 30     */
 31    -- SQL descriptor.
 32    r_sql dynamic_sql_rec;
 34    /*
 35     * function will run the given SQL
 36     */
 37    function querydb(p_stmt in varchar2)
 38      return anydataset pipelined using dyn_pipeline;
 40  end pkg_pipeline;
 41  /

Package created.

типовете там просто ще съдържат информация за самата SQL структура (ще използваме DBMS_SQL за да опише входния SQL, тъй като има функции за извличане на броя колони, типове данни и т.н. от всеки даден SQL израз.

Основният тип тяло е мястото, където се извършва обработката:

SQL> create type body dyn_pipeline
  2  as
  4    /*
  5     * DESC step. this will be called at hard parse and will create
  6     * a physical type in the DB Schema based on the select columns.
  7     */
  8    static function ODCITableDescribe(rtype out anytype,
  9                                      stmt  in  varchar2)
 10      return number
 11    is
 13      /* Variables */
 14      -- Type to hold the dbms_sql info (description)
 15      r_sql   pkg_pipeline.dynamic_sql_rec;
 16      -- Type to create (has all the columns) of the sql query.
 17      t_anyt  anytype;
 18      -- SQL query that will be made up from the 2 passed in queries.
 19      v_sql   varchar2(32767);
 21    begin
 23      /*
 24       * Parse the SQL and describe its format and structure.
 25       */
 26      v_sql := replace(stmt, ';', null);
 28      --  open, parse and discover all info about this SQL.
 29      r_sql.cursor := dbms_sql.open_cursor;
 30      dbms_sql.parse( r_sql.cursor, v_sql, dbms_sql.native );
 31      dbms_sql.describe_columns2( r_sql.cursor, r_sql.column_cnt, r_sql.description );
 32      dbms_sql.close_cursor( r_sql.cursor );
 34      -- Start to create the physical type.
 35      anytype.BeginCreate( DBMS_TYPES.TYPECODE_OBJECT, t_anyt );
 37      -- Loop through each attribute and add to the type.
 38      for i in 1 .. r_sql.column_cnt
 39      loop
 41        t_anyt.AddAttr(r_sql.description(i).col_name,
 42                       case
 43                         when r_sql.description(i).col_type in (1,96,11,208)
 44                         then dbms_types.typecode_varchar2
 45                         when r_sql.description(i).col_type = 2
 46                         then dbms_types.typecode_number
 47                         when r_sql.description(i).col_type in (8,112)
 48                         then dbms_types.typecode_clob
 49                         when r_sql.description(i).col_type = 12
 50                         then dbms_types.typecode_date
 51                         when r_sql.description(i).col_type = 23
 52                         then dbms_types.typecode_raw
 53                         when r_sql.description(i).col_type = 180
 54                         then dbms_types.typecode_timestamp
 55                         when r_sql.description(i).col_type = 181
 56                         then dbms_types.typecode_timestamp_tz
 57                         when r_sql.description(i).col_type = 182
 58                         then dbms_types.typecode_interval_ym
 59                         when r_sql.description(i).col_type = 183
 60                         then dbms_types.typecode_interval_ds
 61                         when r_sql.description(i).col_type = 231
 62                         then dbms_types.typecode_timestamp_ltz
 63                       end,
 64                       r_sql.description(i).col_precision,
 65                       r_sql.description(i).col_scale,
 66                       r_sql.description(i).col_max_len,
 67                       r_sql.description(i).col_charsetid,
 68                       r_sql.description(i).col_charsetform );
 69      end loop;
 71      t_anyt.EndCreate;
 73      -- set the output type to our built type.
 74      ANYTYPE.BeginCreate(dbms_types.TYPECODE_TABLE, rtype);
 75      rtype.SetInfo(null, null, null, null, null, t_anyt,
 76                    dbms_types.TYPECODE_OBJECT, 0);
 77      rtype.EndCreate();
 79      return ODCIConst.Success;
 81    end ODCITableDescribe;
 84    /*
 85     * PREPARE step. Initialise our type.
 86     */
 87    static function ODCITableprepare(sctx      out dyn_pipeline,
 88                                     tf_info   in  sys.ODCITabfuncinfo,
 89                                     stmt      in  varchar2)
 90      return number
 91    is
 93      /* Variables */
 94      -- Meta data.
 95      r_meta   pkg_pipeline.anytype_metadata_rec;
 97    begin
 99      r_meta.typecode := tf_info.rettype.getattreleminfo(
100                           1, r_meta.precision, r_meta.scale, r_meta.length,
101                           r_meta.csid, r_meta.csfrm, r_meta.type,
102                         );
104      sctx := dyn_pipeline(r_meta.type);
105      return odciconst.success;
107    end;
110    /*
111     * START step. this is where we execute the cursor prior to fetching from it.
112     */
113    static function ODCITablestart(sctx  in out dyn_pipeline,
114                                   stmt  in     varchar2)
115      return number
116    is
118      /* Variables */
119      r_meta pkg_pipeline.anytype_metadata_rec;
120      v_sql varchar2(32767);
121    begin
123      v_sql := replace(stmt, ';', null);
124      pkg_pipeline.r_sql.cursor := dbms_sql.open_cursor;
125      dbms_sql.parse(pkg_pipeline.r_sql.cursor, v_sql, dbms_sql.native);
126      dbms_sql.describe_columns2(pkg_pipeline.r_sql.cursor,
127                                 pkg_pipeline.r_sql.column_cnt,
128                                 pkg_pipeline.r_sql.description);
130      -- define all the columns found to let Oracle know the datatypes.
131      for i in 1..pkg_pipeline.r_sql.column_cnt
132      loop
134        r_meta.typecode := sctx.atype.GetAttrElemInfo(
135                             i, r_meta.precision, r_meta.scale, r_meta.length,
136                             r_meta.csid, r_meta.csfrm, r_meta.type,
137                           );
139        case r_meta.typecode
140          when dbms_types.typecode_varchar2
141          then
142            dbms_sql.define_column(pkg_pipeline.r_sql.cursor, i, '', 32767);
143          when dbms_types.typecode_number
144          then
145            dbms_sql.define_column(pkg_pipeline.r_sql.cursor, i, cast(null as number));
146          when dbms_types.typecode_date
147          then
148            dbms_sql.define_column(pkg_pipeline.r_sql.cursor, i, cast(null as date));
149          when dbms_types.typecode_raw
150          then
151            dbms_sql.define_column_raw(pkg_pipeline.r_sql.cursor, i, cast(null as raw), r_meta.length);
152          when dbms_types.typecode_timestamp
153          then
154            dbms_sql.define_column(pkg_pipeline.r_sql.cursor, i, cast(null as timestamp));
155          when dbms_types.typecode_timestamp_tz
156          then
157            dbms_sql.define_column(pkg_pipeline.r_sql.cursor, i, cast(null as timestamp with time zone));
158          when dbms_types.typecode_timestamp_ltz
159          then
160            dbms_sql.define_column(pkg_pipeline.r_sql.cursor, i, cast(null as timestamp with local time zone));
161          when dbms_types.typecode_interval_ym
162          then
163            dbms_sql.define_column(pkg_pipeline.r_sql.cursor, i, cast(null as interval year to month));
164          when dbms_types.typecode_interval_ds
165          then
166            dbms_sql.define_column(pkg_pipeline.r_sql.cursor, i, cast(null as interval day to second));
167          when dbms_types.typecode_clob
168          then
169            case pkg_pipeline.r_sql.description(i).col_type
170              when 8
171              then
172                dbms_sql.define_column_long(pkg_pipeline.r_sql.cursor, i);
173              else
174                dbms_sql.define_column(pkg_pipeline.r_sql.cursor, i, cast(null as clob));
175            end case;
176        end case;
177      end loop;
179      -- execute the SQL.
180      pkg_pipeline.r_sql.execute := dbms_sql.execute(pkg_pipeline.r_sql.cursor);
182      return odciconst.success;
184    end ODCITablestart;
187    /*
188     * FETCH step.
189     */
190    member function ODCITablefetch(self   in out dyn_pipeline,
191                                   nrows  in     number,
192                                   rws    out    anydataset)
193      return number
194    is
196      /* Variables */
197      -- Buffers to hold values.
198      v_vc_col       varchar2(32767);
199      v_num_col      number;
200      v_date_col     date;
201      v_raw_col      raw(32767);
202      v_raw_error    number;
203      v_raw_len      integer;
204      v_int_ds_col   interval day to second;
205      v_int_ym_col   interval year to month;
206      v_ts_col       timestamp;
207      v_tstz_col     timestamp with time zone;
208      v_tsltz_col    timestamp with local time zone;
209      v_clob_col     clob;
210      v_clob_offset  integer := 0;
211      v_clob_len     integer;
212      -- Metadata
213      r_meta  pkg_pipeline.anytype_metadata_rec;
215    begin
217      if dbms_sql.fetch_rows( pkg_pipeline.r_sql.cursor ) > 0
218      then
220        -- Describe to get number and types of columns.
221        r_meta.typecode := self.atype.getinfo(
222                             r_meta.precision, r_meta.scale, r_meta.length,
223                             r_meta.csid, r_meta.csfrm, r_meta.schema,
224                   , r_meta.version, r_meta.attr_cnt
225                           );
227        anydataset.begincreate(dbms_types.typecode_object, self.atype, rws);
228        rws.addinstance();
229        rws.piecewise();
231        -- loop through each column extracting value.
232        for i in 1..pkg_pipeline.r_sql.column_cnt
233        loop
235          r_meta.typecode := self.atype.getattreleminfo(
236                               i, r_meta.precision, r_meta.scale, r_meta.length,
237                               r_meta.csid, r_meta.csfrm, r_meta.attr_type,
238                               r_meta.attr_name
239                             );
241          case r_meta.typecode
242            when dbms_types.typecode_varchar2
243            then
244              dbms_sql.column_value(pkg_pipeline.r_sql.cursor, i, v_vc_col);
245              rws.setvarchar2(v_vc_col);
246            when dbms_types.typecode_number
247            then
248              dbms_sql.column_value(pkg_pipeline.r_sql.cursor, i, v_num_col);
249              rws.setnumber(v_num_col);
250            when dbms_types.typecode_date
251            then
252              dbms_sql.column_value(pkg_pipeline.r_sql.cursor, i, v_date_col);
253              rws.setdate(v_date_col);
254            when dbms_types.typecode_raw
255            then
256              dbms_sql.column_value_raw(pkg_pipeline.r_sql.cursor, i, v_raw_col,
257                 v_raw_error, v_raw_len);
258              rws.setraw(v_raw_col);
259            when dbms_types.typecode_interval_ds
260            then
261              dbms_sql.column_value(pkg_pipeline.r_sql.cursor, i, v_int_ds_col);
262              rws.setintervalds(v_int_ds_col);
263            when dbms_types.typecode_interval_ym
264            then
265              dbms_sql.column_value(pkg_pipeline.r_sql.cursor, i, v_int_ym_col);
266              rws.setintervalym(v_int_ym_col);
267            when dbms_types.typecode_timestamp
268            then
269              dbms_sql.column_value(pkg_pipeline.r_sql.cursor, i, v_ts_col);
270              rws.settimestamp(v_ts_col);
271            when dbms_types.typecode_timestamp_tz
272            then
273              dbms_sql.column_value(pkg_pipeline.r_sql.cursor, i, v_tstz_col);
274              rws.settimestamptz(v_tstz_col);
275           when dbms_types.typecode_timestamp_ltz
276           then
277              dbms_sql.column_value(pkg_pipeline.r_sql.cursor, i, v_tsltz_col);
278              rws.settimestampltz(v_tsltz_col);
279           when dbms_types.typecode_clob
280           then
281             case pkg_pipeline.r_sql.description(i).col_type
282               when 8
283               then
284                 loop
285                   dbms_sql.column_value_long(pkg_pipeline.r_sql.cursor, i, 32767, v_clob_offset,
286                                              v_vc_col, v_clob_len);
287                   v_clob_col := v_clob_col || v_vc_col;
288                   v_clob_offset := v_clob_offset + 32767;
289                   exit when v_clob_len < 32767;
290                 end loop;
291               else
292                 dbms_sql.column_value(pkg_pipeline.r_sql.cursor, i, v_clob_col);
293             end case;
294             rws.setclob(v_clob_col);
295          end case;
296        end loop;
298        rws.endcreate();
300      end if;
302      return ODCIConst.Success;
304    end;
306    /*
307     * CLOSE step. close the cursor.
308     */
309    member function ODCITableClose(self in dyn_pipeline)
310      return number
311    is
314    begin
315      dbms_sql.close_cursor( pkg_pipeline.r_sql.cursor );
316      pkg_pipeline.r_sql := null;
317      return odciconst.success;
318    end ODCITableClose;
320  end;
321  /

Type body created.

след като това е направено, можете да направите заявка като:

SQL> select * from table(pkg_pipeline.querydb('select * from dual'));


SQL> select * from table(pkg_pipeline.querydb('select * from v$mystat where rownum <= 2'));

---------- ---------- ----------
       230          0          1
       230          1          1

  1. Database
  3. Mysql
  5. Oracle
  7. Sqlserver
  9. PostgreSQL
  11. Access
  13. SQLite
  15. MariaDB
  1. Създайте таблица DDL с Изпълнете незабавно в базата данни на Oracle, част 2

  2. Разделената последователност на Oracle

  3. Вътрешното присъединяване е същото като равнопоставеното?

  4. Получаване на списък с всички таблици в Oracle?

  5. REGEXP_INSTR() Функция в Oracle