 sql >> база данни >  >> RDS >> Mysql

Как да извлечете mysql данни с помощта на многонишковост на Java

package twcore.core.sql;

import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.sql.Statement;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;

import twcore.core.BotSettings;
import twcore.core.SubspaceBot;
import twcore.core.util.Tools;

 * Thread-based main class for the core's SQL database functionality.
 * Initializes and manages SQL connection pools and queries, and runs
 * background queries on a semi-regular basis.
 * <p>
 * Choosing a standard query vs. background/high-priority background query:
 * <p>
 * <b>Standard / foreground</b>    -  Runs exactly when needed.  Does not wait in
 * a queue to execute (unless connections are low).  Does not require a unique
 * identifier or special event handling.  However, a standard query will
 * pause the program thread until the results are returned.  For large queries
 * and bad connections this may result in long delays and unresponsiveness.
 * <p>
 * <b>Background</b>               -  Runs as a separate program thread.  Waits in a
 * queue and can be delayed by other queries waiting to execute.  Requires the
 * bot to catch an SQLResultEvent and use a unique identifier to refer to the
 * query.  As a separate thread, after the background query is run, the bot
 * continues execution as normal, causing no delays.  Ideal when multiple users
 * may need to access large amounts of SQL data from the same bot at the same
 * time without compromising responsiveness to the bot for others.  However,
 * their individual result sets may return more slowly than with a standard query.
 * <p>
 * <b>High-priority background</b> -  Same as a background query, but added to the
 * head of the queue.  Combines the versatility of a background queue with the
 * foreground's ability to return the result set almost instantly.
 * <p>
 * <b><u>IMPORTANT NOTE</b></u>
 * For every query you MUST run BotAction's SQLClose(), or manually run the close()
 * method on both the ResultSet and the Statement that created it.  If you do not,
 * memory leaks may occur!
 * TODO:
 * Setup Apache Commons DBCP to remove CommunicatonsExceptions:
 *    validationQuery="SELECT 1"
 *    testOnBorrow="true"
public class SQLManager extends Thread {
    BotSettings sqlcfg;                            // Reference to SQL config file
    HashMap     <String,SQLConnectionPool>pools;   // Connection pool storage
    HashMap     <String,SQLBackgroundQueue>queues; // Background queue storage
    boolean     operational = true;                // Status of SQL system

    final static int THREAD_SLEEP_TIME = 30 * Tools.TimeInMillis.SECOND;
                                                   // Length of time for thread to
                                                   // sleep, in ms, after all
                                                   // background queries are done.

    final static int STALE_TIME = 15 * Tools.TimeInMillis.MINUTE;
                                                   // Time in ms between stale conn checks.
    private long nextStaleCheck = 0;

     * Initialize SQL functionality with the information given in the specified
     * configuration file.
     * @param configFile Properly formatted CFG file containing SQL system data
    public SQLManager( File configFile ) {
        pools = new HashMap<String,SQLConnectionPool>();
        queues = new HashMap<String,SQLBackgroundQueue>();
        sqlcfg = new BotSettings( configFile );
        System.out.println( "=== SQL Initialization ===" );
            for( int i = 1; i <= sqlcfg.getInt( "ConnectionCount" ); i++ ){
                String name = sqlcfg.getString( "Name" + i );

                // TODO: Migrate to a DataSource object and pass that to SQLConnectionPool
                // (com.mysql.jdbc.jdbc2.optional.MysqlDataSource)
                String dburl = "jdbc:mysql://" + sqlcfg.getString( "Server" + i )
                + ":" + sqlcfg.getInt( "Port" + i ) + "/"
                + sqlcfg.getString( "Database" + i ) + "?user="
                + sqlcfg.getString( "Login" + i ) + "&password="
                + sqlcfg.getString( "Password" + i ) +

                // Available properties (and info about them)
                "&allowMultiQueries=true" +
                "&maxReconnects=2147483647" +
                "&initialTimeout=1" +
                "&logSlowQueries=false" +
                "&interactiveClient=true" +
                "&autoReconnect=true" +         // Auto-Reconnect not recommended

                // TODO: Better pooling solutions now exist that can be configured to our needs.
                SQLConnectionPool db = new SQLConnectionPool( name, dburl,
                sqlcfg.getInt( "MinPoolSize" + i ),
                sqlcfg.getInt( "MaxPoolSize" + i ),
                sqlcfg.getInt( "WaitIfBusy" + i ),
                sqlcfg.getString( "Driver" + i )
                pools.put( name, db );
                queues.put( name, new SQLBackgroundQueue() );
            Tools.printLog( "SQL Connection Pools initialized successfully." );
            for( Iterator<SQLConnectionPool> i = pools.values().iterator(); i.hasNext(); ){
                Tools.printLog( );
        } catch( SQLException e ){
            Tools.printLog( "Failed to load SQL Connection Pools.  Driver missing?" );
            operational = false;
            Tools.printLog( e.getMessage() );
        if( operational ){
            Tools.printLog( "SQL Background Queues initialized." );
        } else {
            Tools.printLog( "SQL Background Queues NOT initialized." );
        nextStaleCheck = System.currentTimeMillis() + STALE_TIME;

     * Adds a regular background query to the end of the queue.  If there are no
     * queued queries ahead of it, the background query will be executed nearly
     * as quickly as a regularly executed query, but without delaying the bot's
     * thread to retrieve the result set.  The query is instead run in a new
     * thread and returned to the bot via an SQLResultEvent, and is identified by
     * a unique key (<CODE>identifier</CODE>).
     * @param connName Name of the connection as defined in sql.cfg
     * @param identifier The unique identifier for this query
     * @param query A properly-formed SQL query
     * @param bot The bot requesting the query (if unsure, use <b>this</b>)
    public void queryBackground( String connName, String identifier,
    String query, SubspaceBot bot ){
        if( !operational ){
            Tools.printLog( "Unable to process query: " + query );
        } else {
            if( !pools.containsKey( connName )) {
                Tools.printLog( "Invalid connection name supplied: '" + connName + "'" );
            SQLBackgroundQueue queue = queues.get( connName );
            queue.addQuery( new SQLResultEvent( query, identifier, bot ));

     * Adds a background query to the front of the queue.  A high-priority
     * background query will be executed nearly as quickly as a regularly
     * executed query, but without delaying the bot's thread to retrieve the
     * results.  The query is instead run in a new thread and returned to the bot
     * via an SQLResultEvent, and is identified by a unique key (<CODE>identifier</CODE>).
     * @param connName Name of the connection as defined in sql.cfg
     * @param identifier The unique identifier for this query
     * @param query A properly-formed SQL query
     * @param bot The bot requesting the query (if unsure, use <b>this</b>)
    public void queryBackgroundHighPriority( String connName, String identifier,
    String query, SubspaceBot bot ){
        if( !operational ){
            Tools.printLog( "Unable to process background high priority query: " + query );
        } else {
            if( !pools.containsKey( connName )) {
                Tools.printLog( "Invalid connection name supplied: '" + connName + "'" );
            SQLBackgroundQueue queue = queues.get( connName );
            queue.addHighPriority( new SQLResultEvent( query, identifier, bot ));

     * Runs a regular SQL query using the specified database connection.  Your
     * bot's thread will not continue while the query is in effect.  Use a
     * background query if you wish for the thread to continue while the query
     * is executed.
     * @param connectionName Name of the connection as defined in sql.cfg
     * @param query A properly-formed SQL query
     * @return The result set of the query (MAY be null)
     * @throws SQLException
    public ResultSet query( String connectionName, String query ) throws SQLException {
        if( !operational ){
            Tools.printLog( "Unable to process query: " + query );
            return null;
        } else {
            if( !pools.containsKey( connectionName )) {
                Tools.printLog( "Invalid connection name supplied: '" + connectionName + "'");
                return null;
            return pools.get( connectionName ).query( query );

     * Creates a PreparedStatement.
     * Gets a Connection from the specified SQLConnectionPool (specified by the connectionName)
     * and creates a PreparedStatement object using the specified query.
     * Note that this sets the connection to "busy" in the SQLConnectionPool so it isn't used by other processes.
     * You need to free it when the bot doesn't use the PreparedStatement anymore or this will be a Connection-leak !!
     * @param connectionName Name of the connection as defined in sql.cfg
     * @param uniqueID A unique string that is used for re-using (busy) Connections in the connection pool. This is only used for PreparedStatements as their Connection is locked when a bot creates a PreparedStatement.
     * @param sqlstatement The (dynamic) SQL INSERT/UPDATE statement that will be pre-parsed for the PreparedStatement
     * @param retrieveAutoGeneratedKeys whether auto-generated keys should be returned
     * @return PreparedStatement object or null if there was an error
    public PreparedStatement createPreparedStatement(String connectionName, String uniqueID, String sqlstatement, boolean retrieveAutoGeneratedKeys) {
        if( !operational ) {
            Tools.printLog( "Unable to create PreparedStatement object; SQL System is not operational");
            return null;
        } else {
            if(!pools.containsKey( connectionName ))
                return null;
            else {
                try {
                    // Have we hit the maximum number of allowed connections in the pool?
                    if(pools.get(connectionName).isAvailable() || pools.get(connectionName).totalConnections() < pools.get(connectionName).getMaxConnections()) {
                        Connection conn = pools.get( connectionName ).getConnection(uniqueID);
                            return conn.prepareStatement(sqlstatement, Statement.RETURN_GENERATED_KEYS);
                            return conn.prepareStatement(sqlstatement, Statement.NO_GENERATED_KEYS);
                    } else {
                        Tools.printLog("No more connections available in pool '"+connectionName+"' to create PreparedStatement!");
                        return null;
                } catch(SQLException sqle) {
                    Tools.printLog("SQLException encountered while trying to create a PreparedStatement from a Connection from '"+connectionName+"':"+sqle.getMessage());
                    return null;

     * Frees specified Connection for specified connectionpool using specified unique ID.
     * This should be used when closing a PreparedState\ment as it locks a connection on creation.
     * @param connectionName Name of the connection as defined in sql.cfg
     * @param uniqueID The unique ID used to create the Prepared Statement
     * @param conn Connection used when creating a PreparedStatement
    public void freeConnection(String connectionName, String uniqueID, Connection conn) {
        if( !operational ) {
            Tools.printLog( "Unable to free Connection; SQL System is not operational");
        } else {
            if(pools.containsKey( connectionName )) {
                pools.get( connectionName ).free(uniqueID, conn);

     * @return True if the SQL system is operational
    public boolean isOperational(){
        return operational;

     * Prints to the log file the status of all connection pools.
    public void printStatusToLog(){
        if( !operational ){
            Tools.printLog( "SQL Connection Not Operational" );
        } else {
            Tools.spamLog( getPoolStatus() );

     * Gets status of all connection pools.
     * @return String array containing status of each individual connection pool.
    public String[] getPoolStatus() {
        String[] status = new String[pools.size()];
        Iterator<SQLConnectionPool> i = pools.values().iterator();
        for(int j = 0; j<status.length; j++)
            status[j] =;
        return status;

     * Checks the background queue for queries waiting to be run, and dispatches
     * them each to a separate SQLWorker thread.  After the result is received,
     * it's then returned as an SQLResultEvent to the bot that made the query.
     * The SQLManager thread will sleep for a defined amount of time, but will
     * interrupt/return when a background query requires processing.
     * Also runs a check for stales on each pool of connections periodically.
    public void run() {
        boolean checkForStales;
        while( true ){

            // Run background queries
            Iterator<String> i = queues.keySet().iterator();
            while( i.hasNext() ){
                String name =;
                SQLBackgroundQueue queue = queues.get( name );
                SQLConnectionPool pool = pools.get( name );
                while( !queue.isEmpty() && !pool.reachedMaxBackground() ){
                    SQLResultEvent event = queue.getNextInLine();
                    try {
                        new SQLWorker( pool, event, this );
                    } catch (Exception e) {
                        Tools.printLog("Uncaught exception encountered running background query.");

            // Perform stale check
            checkForStales = (nextStaleCheck < System.currentTimeMillis());            
            i = pools.keySet().iterator();
            while( i.hasNext() ) {
                String name =;
                SQLConnectionPool pool = pools.get( name );
                if( checkForStales )
            if( checkForStales )
                nextStaleCheck = System.currentTimeMillis() + STALE_TIME;
                Thread.sleep( THREAD_SLEEP_TIME );
            } catch( InterruptedException e ){}

package twcore.core.sql;

import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.SQLException;

import twcore.core.util.Tools;

 * Runs a background SQL query given a connection pool to use and an undelivered
 * SQLResultEvent object to place the results into.  By handling in a separate
 * thread, it frees the bot process of having to wait on a query. 
public class SQLWorker implements Runnable {
    private SQLResultEvent    m_event;      // Event to hand the ResultSet to     
    private SQLConnectionPool m_pool;       // Connection pool to run query on
    private SQLManager        m_manager;    // For interrupting any waits

     * Creates a new SQLWorker and begins a background query, given a connection
     * pool to use for the query, an event to place the result set returned by
     * the query into, and an SQLManager to wake up/interrupt when the process
     * has finished (if it is currently sleeping).
     * @param pool Connection pool to use to run the query
     * @param event Event that will afterward contain the returned ResultSet
     * @param manager Waiting object to interrupt when finished
    public SQLWorker( SQLConnectionPool pool, SQLResultEvent event, SQLManager manager ) {
        m_pool = pool;
        m_manager = manager;
        Thread t = new Thread( this, "SQLWorker" );
        m_event = event;

     * Runs the SQL query found in the SQLResultEvent the SQLWorker was instantiated
     * with.  Sets the returned ResultSet inside the event, which in turn will fire
     * the event in the bot so as to be handled and fetched by unique key.  After
     * this is done, the background queue count of the connection pool used is
     * reduced by one, and the SQLManager that called the worker is interrupted
     * back into consciousness, if it is currently asleep.   
    public void run() {
            ResultSet set = m_pool.query( m_event.getQuery() );
            m_event.setResultSet( set );
        } catch( SQLException e ){
            Tools.printLog("SQLException encountered while running background query in SQLWorker.");
            Tools.printStackTrace( e );

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