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Съхраняване на UTC и местна дата и час в Mongo

Това е начинът, по който принуждавам MongoDB да съхранява необработената стойност и да игнорирам атрибута DateTimeKind в обекта DateTime.

Това може да не се отнася за вашата бизнес логика, но има смисъл за нас поради нашите конкретни причини.

BsonSerializer.RegisterSerializer(typeof(DateTime), new MyMongoDBDateTimeSerializer());

public class MyMongoDBDateTimeSerializer : DateTimeSerializer
    //  MongoDB returns datetime as DateTimeKind.Utc, which cann't be used in our timezone conversion logic
    //  We overwrite it to be DateTimeKind.Unspecified
    public override object Deserialize(MongoDB.Bson.IO.BsonReader bsonReader, System.Type nominalType, MongoDB.Bson.Serialization.IBsonSerializationOptions options)
        var obj = base.Deserialize(bsonReader, nominalType, options);
        var dt = (DateTime) obj;
        return new DateTime(dt.Ticks, DateTimeKind.Unspecified);

    //  MongoDB returns datetime as DateTimeKind.Utc, which cann't be used in our timezone conversion logic
    //  We overwrite it to be DateTimeKind.Unspecified
    public override object Deserialize(MongoDB.Bson.IO.BsonReader bsonReader, Type nominalType, Type actualType, MongoDB.Bson.Serialization.IBsonSerializationOptions options)
        var obj = base.Deserialize(bsonReader, nominalType, actualType, options);
        var dt = (DateTime)obj;
        return new DateTime(dt.Ticks, DateTimeKind.Unspecified);

    //  MongoDB stores all datetime as Utc, any datetime value DateTimeKind is not DateTimeKind.Utc, will be converted to Utc first
    //  We overwrite it to be DateTimeKind.Utc, becasue we want to preserve the raw value
    public override void Serialize(MongoDB.Bson.IO.BsonWriter bsonWriter, System.Type nominalType, object value, MongoDB.Bson.Serialization.IBsonSerializationOptions options)
        var dt = (DateTime) value;
        var utcValue = new DateTime(dt.Ticks, DateTimeKind.Utc);
        base.Serialize(bsonWriter, nominalType, utcValue, options);

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